
5 Important Things to Know About Driveway Pavers

driveway pavers with a text overlay that reads "5 Important Things To Know About Driveway Pavers." The logo of "Husky Pavers" is also visible in the top left corner.

Do you ever drive up to someone’s house and the first thing you notice is how unkempt their driveway is? 

Yeah, it’s not a very great first impression. 

Personally, I think the beauty of someone’s home can be overshadowed if I have to get out of my car on someone’s driveway filled with potholes, cracks and bumps. This is why installing driveway pavers can benefit the look of your home, and be functional as well. 

With this being said, most people not only want their driveway pavers to look pristine, they also want their driveways to look like it was done the correct way. You definitely want it to seem like you put thought and effort into presenting the road leading up to your home. 

Also Read – How Big Should Your Driveway Be? Sizing Considerations for Your Home

Furthermore, besides the fact you want your driveway to look put together, you should look into other factors as well. 

Here are some important ways to keep your driveway pavers to last long, and keep you happy even longer: 

  1. What’s your budget? If you want to get the best driveway pavers that money can buy; go ahead and splurge. The higher quality the material, the pricier it will be, but if you think about it as an investment for your beautiful driveway…then it won’t be a waste of your money. 
  1. What can damage your driveway pavers? Do some research on what things can ruin your new pavers and be cautious of those factors! For example, sealing your driveway pavers can help protect it. But too much direct sunlight or a cheap snow shovel can damage your driveway overtime. 
  1. How many cars do you have on your driveway and in your garage? This could be an important factor to consider when deciding on the shape and size of the bricks for your driveway! This will make sure you get it done right the first time. 
  1. What about your drainage system? Not only will excess water on your driveway damage the pavers, but too much water can cause accidents as well. Talk to your installer about being sure the water flow will go away from your new driveway pavers. 
  1. Will you use brick or concrete? Brick might last a few years longer than concrete, but it’s really up to you. 

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Bonus Read

1.) Driveway Paving: Comparing Asphalt vs. Pavers vs. Concrete

2.) What Are The Advantages Of Interlocking Pavers?

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